Felt bag is being popular now a days. The bags made by felts brings reality in colors and the attration towards other. We have More»
The custormers are attracted for the felt shoes because it can be used for protecting cold and to suit the colors with your getup.We have More»
Obviously, the felt doesn't have the limited production quality. It has proved such that the nepal creation is manufacturing different products such as key-ring, bangles. necklace, tea mat, pencil of felt. More»
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"Special for felt products for manufacturing, exporting and wholeseling in Nepal."
Nepal Creation manufactures different kinds of purses for different purposes such as money purse, pencil purse and many more.You can choose your own color and design too. Just order yourchoice we will bring it ture More»
Felt is widely used in the hat
industry. We manufactures and supplies different designs of crazy hats too. We have More»
The felt mufler really matches for the party wears on cold season. Choose your own appropriate colorand design from gallery.Pick the product code and order More»